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Monday, November 21, 2005


What A Pain!!! Clare says I should update this thing...and while she is probably right-I just don't have time!!!! (Too many computer games to play...etc)

So what do we say to people who hit you and run away? A couple of weeks ago, while innocently driving my car on 57-cruise control set at 60 mph-talking to mom ON THE SPEAKER PHONE!!!- some idiot comes out of nowhere and slams into the back of my car! Poor mom-she (actually the phone) flies God only knows where and while my car is spinning out of control mom is screaming "WHAT HAPPENED? MARY LYNN!!! ANSWER ME!!!!" Just as the car stops spinning - the same idiot hits me again-this time on the driver-side of the car...Then, what does he do? He decides to RUN! My car is finally under control and stopped and I see his taillights heading off in the distance. Poor mom, she's still screaming "WHAT HAPPENED? TALK TO ME!!!" And I have no idea from where she is speaking...I just talk into the air, "I am okay...some idiot just hit me!" To which mom says, "I am hanging up." NOOOOO!!! The LAST thing I want to be is by myself in the middle of I-57 with cars and trucks now trying to get around me....I was sooooo shaken I could not think.

Then, my phone (you know, the infamous, now MIA phone) starts ringing. Okay, if I were a phone in the middle of I-57 with a car that won't move, where would I be. But of course! In a bag of bagels that also flew to the floor when hit by a tank (actually it was a 1990 white catolac which may have well been a tank). I finally locate the phone (of course just when it stops ringing). It was my sister-apparently mom immediately called her to ask, "When Mary Lynn was at your house, was she drinking?" My sister answered, "well, she had one (1) beer." To which mom replies, "OH GREAT! She was just in an ACCIDENT!!!!" Poor Sue. Her vision is of me splattered all over the pavement...she hangs up on mom and calls me. That's logical, right?

At this point in my story (saga) (drama) (the soap-opera called my life) I must say that a wonderful good samaritan did stop and ask if I was okay. A young woman saw the accident and (since I was looking for the infamous cell phone) she attempted to call 9-1-1. And, if you can believe it, 9-1-1 did not want to answer. So she called her brother. Yeah, her brother. And then this wonderful young woman's wonderful brother came, from God only knows where, to the scene and held my hand until the police and fire department arrived. Can you believe that? I am/was/still am so thankful to these people who I do not know...they even gave their names as witnesses to the police. I thank God for them and pray for them.

So, getting back to the accident. Nimrod, the guy who hit driving away at the same approximate speed in which he hit he is flying on the shoulder of I-57, he looses his right front tire. Irony...he now has to stop. I suppose he could have gotten out of his car and ran away...he did not. He did, however, apparently call his mother who came to the scene (this I gathered from the conversation the police were having while I sat in the back of the squad car waiting for me sister to come and get me). He did not have insurance. This sucks! I only have liability and the keyhole totaled my car! AND since he didn't have insurance and I do not have health insurance I did not go to the hospital. (I still have neck and back pain.) Oh well...time will tell how this works out. His court date is the 7th and I WILL BE THERE! I need a new car...This sucks not having my own car...

It could be/could have been worse. I sigh...I am grateful not to have been hurt more seriously and also that no one else was in the car or that no other car was involved. My situation will improve and I have a lot to be grateful for...but this does suck. Oh well, que sera sera!!!!...


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